is our organizer. She put all this together and sort of got the ball rolling. Like I said previously, we got the idea from one she invited me to and we kept saying how much fun it would be to start our own. Well, leave it to Michelle to actually put the plan in action. Like she does not have anything else to do? She has a beautiful home she is willing to invite us all into, and she also has some wonderful recipes and ideas to share.
is our organizer. She put all this together and sort of got the ball rolling. Like I said previously, we got the idea from one she invited me to and we kept saying how much fun it would be to start our own. Well, leave it to Michelle to actually put the plan in action. Like she does not have anything else to do? She has a beautiful home she is willing to invite us all into, and she also has some wonderful recipes and ideas to share.
is our self proclaimed "food snob". My interpretation of this is that she can take any recipe, idea, or concept and run with it. If a certain recipe does not fit her families liking, she will make it fit. She has a knack for "kitchen" things in general. If she does not know about it, she will investigate and find out. Vicki's brain is full of "food knowledge", and she is always willing to share her ideas and help you with ANYTHING.
is the tag-a-long. You give me the idea and I am on board. Having these two "chicks" as friends is a true blessing. I love to bake, not that I am great at it, but I do enjoy it. I also don't mind cooking, WHEN, I know what to cook. I have found it a little challenging to cook for just me and Rex. I hope our "chicks" nights can help me with that. I think some of my fondest memories are of spending time in the kitchen with family and friends. I have to say my mom is my food/recipe hero. She is always trying new things, and you will NEVER go hungry at her house.

Thanks, Paula. What cute chicks you are. Mom
why do you think I still live here..grams feeds me good! and by the way i think you should have gone with the teeth pic :)
just kidding..cute blog momma..love you
Good job Paula! You are very creative, I love the blog!
Your mom told me about this blog this morning. I can't wait to get some great recipes from it. You are very creative!
Name for your mascot: Hot Chick, or Rotisserie (don't know how to spell it)because you all live where it is hot.
This Blog is really fun! Keep up the fun recipes. I am excited to get some new fun ideas for the kitchen..
OMG Paula thank you so much for bringing in your delious pumpkin cookie they are to die for... I just cant't get over are yunny they are. Paula your the best!!!!!!
Your better then Betty Crocker..Pam
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