Thursday, January 8, 2009

January Cookin Night

Our January cookin night was a lot of fun. I learned we have a few cheesers in our group that love to ham it up for the pictures. Comfort food was the theme and did we ever feel comforted. I hope I remember all the dishes that were shared. We had crock pot meatloaf, homemade chicken noodle soup, homemade ZESTY kielbasa soup, pretzel salad, english toffee, lasagna soup, pumpkin cookies, cranberry pineapple salad, tater tot casserole, shepherds pie and a demo on how to make pull-apart bread. Everything was delicious. We had some new faces come and we are excited to get the word out. Thanks to everyone for sharing their recipes, ideas and for coming to learn, eat, and socialize.


Jessika said...

did gumbi take that gropu picture??

David and Vicki Wardell Family said...

No one ever said, you couldn't cook and be beautiful! Looks like a bunch of pretty cooks to me!!!

Claudine said...

Maybe that isn't a fur collar. Just brown. Mom

Connie and Joe said...

Vicki, you weren't looking at my picture when you said that!!That is an awful pix but then again maybe I am just in denial.It was a fun night though.